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Various viruses usually cause genital warts. Today, we know that most cases of genital warts are caused by HPV. Genital warts can be treated with various methods.
HPV infection is a problem that can be transmitted during sexual intercourse and can occur in people who have more than one sexual partner. HPV increases the risk of transmission through oral, vaginal and anal contact. Therefore, unprotected sexual intercourse and multiple sexual partners are not recommended. HPV, which can be easily transmitted also to people with weak immune systems, can also be transmitted to children by using the same bathroom.
Symptoms of Genital Wart
Although genital warts do not show any symptoms in the initial phase, they can cause the following complaints later on:
- Lesions that protrude from the skin surface
- Lesions that look like cauliflower
- Bifurcation of urine in men during micturition
- Bleeding during sexual intercourse
- Pain in genital region
- Itching in genital region
In men, genital warts can be seen on the body and tip of the penis, on the anus, scrotum or in the groin area.
Diagnosis of Genital Wart
For complaints due to genital warts, an experienced physician should be consulted immediately. For a definitive diagnosis, the genital area and pelvic floor are examined in detail. Visibility of warts can be facilitated using various solutions. In women, smear and HPV test are performed. In addition to these methods, warts in the vagina and cervix can be diagnosed through colposcopic examination.
Treatment of Genital Warts
For the treatment of genital warts, people wonder about the treatment method and duration of treatment. Removal of warts with surgical methods, burning the warts with laser and cautery, or freezing the warts with cryotherapy are used in the treatment of genital warts. For genital warts emerging in the anal region, the region must be evaluated in detail. Warts can also occur in the mouth.
Conservative treatment of genital warts is with creams and lotions, but such methods can only help alleviate the complaints caused by warts.
You can call 0 533 357 26 17 for detailed information about the treatment options of genital warts.
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