What Is Holep?

The HoLEP method is used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement). This is an up-to-date surgical method using advanced laser technology. The procedure is performed laparoscopically to completely remove the prostate tissue. It is a method that provides positive results similar to open surgery even in large prostates. Today, it is frequently preferred in prostate treatment. It is also recognized as a gold standard for treatment. It is usually performed under general anesthesia or with anesthesia below the waist.

What is the HoLEP Treatment Modality?

What is the HoLEP treatment modality? HoLEP treatment is commonly used for benign prostate hyperplasia. It is one of the most modern and successful methods today. This method uses laser. Some parts are removed using laser. It can also be performed for prostates of any size. The method is therefore independent of prostate size. This method, which has been frequently preferred for the last 10 years, has a high rate of positive results. Holmium laser is used and the inner tissue of the prostate is removed. Since prostate problems occur more frequently in older ages, it is performed more frequently for older men.

This method can be used if medication does not cure the patient. It has also a low risk of bleeding. Postoperative hospital stay is very short. The patient recovers in as little as 24 hours.

How HoLEP is Performed?

How HoLEP is performed? The operation is performed under general anesthesia or by numbing the patient from the waist down. Camera instruments are inserted through the patient's urethra (urinary tract). The enlarged prostate tissue is carefully separated from the capsule using laser. Then it is thrown into the bladder. The prostate tissue thrown into the bladder is broken down with another instrument and vacuumed out. A catheter is inserted then and the operation is terminated. Postoperatively, prostate tissue is sent for pathological analysis. Since it is a method that provides very successful results, it is frequently preferred today.

Who is Eligible for HoLEP?

Who is Eligible for HoLEP? This method is performed for almost everyone. The method has some advantages and is also preferred in situations where other methods are not applicable. Prostates weighing more than 80 grams are usually recommended open surgery. This method can be easily performed for prostates weighing more than 80 grams. It is a reliable procedure that can be performed especially for large prostates. If the prostate is accompanied by bladder stones, these are also crushed simultaneously with the laser. If there is stenosis in the urinary canal, this is eliminated. In general, the patient can be discharged the day after surgery. However, if the patient is older or has comorbid conditions, he will stay in hospital for an extra day.

How is HoLEP Surgery Performed?

How is HoLEP Surgery Performed? It is performed under general anesthesia. It is performed with the help of a camera inserted into the patient's urinary tract. The enlarged prostate tissue is separated and placed into the bladder. The fragment in the bladder is then broken down and excreted from the body.

What are the Advantages of HoLEP Surgery?

Advantages of HoLEP are:

  • Can be performed for prostates of any size.
  • It is an alternative to open surgeries.
  • Very low risk of bleeding.
  • Length of hospital stay is very short.
  • No matter how large the prostate is, it can be performed without the need for open surgery.
  • The chance of repeating the surgery is very low.
  • It does not cause any harm to the sexual functions of the patient.
  • When necessary, it can be performed despite the use of blood thinners.
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