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What You Should Know About Varicocele Treatment
Varicocele is a swelling of the veins in the scrotum. It is a disease that can occur at almost any age but does not always show symptoms. In some cases it can cause pain, a feeling of heaviness or swelling in one of the testicles. The testicle with varicocele may appear larger than the other.
It can cause infertility in some patients. During the diagnosis, in addition to the physical examination, ultrasound is used to determine the current condition in more detail. For some individuals, no treatment is needed. If the swelling causes pain, painkillers are recommended.
What is the Varicocele Treatment Modality?
What is the Varicocele Treatment Modality? Mostly it does not require treatment. Treatment can be administered for conditions that cause marked differences during puberty. Surgical ligation or percutaneous venous embolization are among the treatment options. Infertility can also be corrected with surgery.
Surgical ligation is used for painful conditions. Varicocele causes pain in the left testicle, usually dull and aching. It is asymptomatic when lying down. In men under 21 years of age, the testicles are observed for shrinkage before treatment. After surgery, the size of the shrunken testicle can reach the size of other testicles and infertility may disappear.
How is Varicocele Treated?
How is Varicocele Treated? The aim of treatment is to close the defective vein and eliminate the cause of the varicocele. It is performed surgically. During surgery, under general anesthesia, an incision is made in the groin. The vein causing the varicocele is ligated. In embolization, the vein causing the varicocele is first identified via the vein in the arm or leg. Then, using certain substances, the vessel is blocked from the inside.
What are the Symptoms of the Varicocele?
What are the Symptoms of the Varicocele? This condition is encountered in some men who present with infertility. It is a varicose vein that drains blood from the testicles. It is called varicose vein-like enlargement of the testicular vein in the legs. The followings are among the symptoms:
Testicular pain
The enlargement of the veins is noticeable from the outside over time. It then turns into a varicose vein-like condition in the legs. Swelling, sweating and overheating of the testicle may also occur.
What are the Causes of the Varicocele?
What are the Causes of the Varicocele? The cause is not entirely clear. It can occur in about 15% of the population who have children. It can occur in 40% of men with infertility. It occurs usually in the left testicle. It rarely occurs in the right testicle, if so, it is controlled by the left testicle. It may occur bilaterally. The reasons for this condition are generally the following:
The testicle on the left side is lower than the testicle on the right side
The vein on the left side of the testicle is longer than the one on the right side
Anatomical relationship of the left testicular vein with other intra-abdominal organs
Features such as the drainage of the left testicular vein and anatomical structure, varicocele occurs mostly in the left testicle
Varicocele Treatment Modalities
The most appropriate varicocele treatment modality should be preferred. Some patients do not require any treatment.
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